I've to say it's doubtless a SF movie that display the latest technology in front of the audiences and rumor says it's gonna break the record of TDK, what amazing!
And what a bull sxit, it is amazing because of the art design and 3D technolgy, but not for anything else! BGM is not bad, Actors and Actress, well, is okay. The screen play is away from a good produce shoud be like.
Few disadvantages of IMAX 3D remain and disturb the watching experience:
1.On the edge it will be out of focus.
2.The screen is huge that hard to find the main object(though they've focused on
it, it's still too huge to find the object)
3.It makes some of the audiences feel sick.
They're actually ALL the disadvantages that IMAX has been criticized...
Totally 3D is amazing because you don't have to put off your glasses, but somehow Avatar became a trailer of 3D tech and the main purpose of the diresctor might be ignored. It's not a strict story and a lot of films telling the same story was made with lower-level tech.
I know there's a lot of part has been cut due to marketing concerns, and that might be a devastating damage to Avatar. Also force the focus of the film turn to the sections that is more POPULAR, for example, what on Pandora make a Navi and a Avatar mating like people do on earth? Shouldn't they bonding with each other using their hair? Maybe that's the reason why they misunderstand each....
Anyway it's a milestone of film industry, but in art of film...? well there might be part of...... and definitely not the sex part...