2010年4月24日 星期六

Formosa Betrayed 被背叛的臺灣

被送往臺灣協助調查 時值1983年 美國與臺灣(中華民國)無邦交

2010/4/23 22:00 Atlanta REGAL 24@I-85

我看了一些Review 一些導演訪談的內容 然後去看電影
雖然知道因為製作上的限制 很多部分沒辦法更精確的重現
還是可以從運鏡跟畫面 還有明顯的符號上感受得到其中灌注的熱情
我試著比對自己搜索和從長輩處得到的訊息 還有電影傳達出的意象
出生在那個年代之後的臺灣 我走進電影院試著去支持這部電影

我以為比起一無所知的觀眾 這部片應該讓我們心裡有些悸動的
或許 就是因為知道些皮毛吧
至少散場時我還看到一兩個美國人很嚴肅地盯著螢幕 或許他們感受更深刻也不一定

2010年4月14日 星期三


也不過一兩年 我的料理方式幾乎都是看人家的理論偷來的
吃到好吃的 努力研究一下味道

同樣的Harold McGee那三本食物與廚藝
就像做料理的工具書 它們沒有記載食譜 但是告訴你食材的性質與應用
Artichoke不可以在喝好酒前吃 因為它會阻塞酸澀的味覺受器
相反地則很適合做開胃菜 讓其他菜餚更加令人垂涎
鹽會使麵粉產生較多筋 可以在做麵時加入增加彈牙感

學著用微酸提味 變化切法製造口感
雖然並不精細 可是很有趣

After another try of GRE


2010年4月9日 星期五

Something about whale...

Whale,a huge and gentle specie, like a mountains swimming in the ocean. Unfortunately, those huge friends are extinguishing, for some reason, there're a large amount of people blame the traditional whale meal in Japan.
It has been a long time since those students start the activity against whale hunting, and it has been longer since people start hunting whales. No matter Eskimo or Japanese, those people have eaten whales for centuries, like all the cultural behavior, there are reason why they eat such a humble animal. It's a precious resource in those cold region, not only its meat but also its oil are treasure for those aborigines in the old ages.
While those act against whale hunting are trying to climb on other's fishing boat and stop the engine, the whale hunting continues like struggles. The whale savers are not satisfied with the international contract but request totally prohibition of whale hunting. Again, their first enemy is Japanese, those who has spears sharped for the whales, and huge fishing boat for the big chunk cut from the whales. However, if whales have been hunted for centuries, what is the exact reason to the drop in number of native whales? Is it possible that Japanese and Eskimo grow so fast that consume too many whales?
People must think about what should we do at the first place to preserve the specie rather than put all the guilt on others and pray for God's forgiveness. The most excessively growing specie that endanger other species is human, and our machines and ships have threaten all the creatures in the ocean for nearly a hundred years. Coincidentally, people start to notice the decrease in whales after they polluted the oceans. There might be further reason for the extinguishing species, not only the whales, like the rise of average temperature, all kinds of pollutions, and any effect brought by human activities.
It's amusing to discuss about what makes people focus on whales. Whales must be more attractive than thousand species of bugs which are facing their Armageddon without Bruce Willy's heroic sacrifice. There will not be a objective reason to focus on one specie only for the reason that we have no criteria to choose the species that must board Noah's Ark, except selfish human. Maybe some day after those talented creatures take over the earth will start an holocaust for human, or not, and it's not your decision to mercy on human or not.
Rather than chasing those fishing boat around the world, there are more things to do to save those diminishing species, to persuade certain countries which releases excessive pollution, to explore new resource or more efficient way to use resources, to reduce population in the world, and to stop wasting the resources we have. The reason behind anti-whale hunting behavior may be quite illogical or not, but there must be an effective way rather than semi-violence which brings and expresses discrimination.

2010年4月2日 星期五

Be famous and be popular.

I've written an article with the same title on BBS.
It's better for me to practice English typing since I'm going to take GRE again.

Last night when I was drinking a glass of Pinot Noir, an idea came up and hardly disappeared. It's about the difference between being famous and being popular. As one of the popular spcies in grapes for wine, Pinot Noir provides elegant taste in high class wine but also simply smoothness in cheap bottles. While Gammy is popular without fame, my favorite Garnacha is famous without popularity.

Famous doesn't equal to popular, for instance, a loquacious funny guy is surely not as famous as a graceful gentleman, but the former sometimes can be far more popular than the later. A Chinese proverb says,"The most outstanding song is the hardest to sing the harmony." It's easier to hang out with normal people than to talk with extraordinary great person. Another saying,"Adoration is the feeling that prevent us from understanding."

A cute girl asked me if I belong to famous one or popular one. Well, she is famous and popular with no doubt, but it's far from me to those adjectives. Somehow, I believe, I will not went to the popular side because of height and looks.