2007年8月11日 星期六

Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

Today I could only type without Chinese.

Alice(my older sister)ordered the ticket for the sample concert of Atlanta Orchestra,
which is founded at the area around high museum. It also gave me the 2nd chance to take pictures of architectures here. What a coincidence,I was watching Nodame Cantabile these days, that makes me be interested in relationship between Orchestra and Conductor. Unfortunately, the concert today is not only a sample but very commercial concert, and very... American-styled...

5 sections each perform a chapter of a piece, That's all

While Alice is busy on the problems of wireless network(for her benefit to work at home), I finished Devil wears Prada and Nodame Candabile the next morning.

It's inspiring, or it's because I'm ready to be inspired.
What flashing in one's mind couldn't be told in words.

After all, Alice fix the wireless but failed to link to GE, so she watched Super Star-Light Avenue on Youtube all day long.
